General Information
All LSU students and employees automatically get a myLSU account to access University services through the myLSU portal. An e-mail address of the format <myLSUid> is also automatically generated when the myLSU account is created. Therefore, everyone with a myLSU account also has a <myLSUid> address. However, what happens to messages sent to <myLSUid> may vary.
An LSU affiliate’s e-mail account (mailbox) may be on an LSU sponsored e-mail system, or it might be on a non-LSU e-mail system like Gmail or Hotmail. Messages sent to <myLSUid> are either forwarded to the additional e-mail account registered for the user during myLSU account creation (Forwarding-Only Accounts), or they are sent to their unique LSU mailbox within LSUMail (LSUMail Accounts).
Forwarding-Only Accounts
Some people who already have an e-mail account when they arrive at LSU, such as Incoming Students, may not immediately receive an LSU-sponsored mailbox due to eligibility requirements. When they get their myLSU account, they register for a forwarding only e-mail address that will redirect all messages addressed to <myLSUid> to another e-mail address they have provided (e.g. Once a student has finished registering for classes, it can take up to 2 business days to be able to sign in to LSUMail.
Some users, such as certain AgCenter, PBRC, other LSU campuses and Sponsored Guests, will not be eligible for LSUMail and will remain Forwarding-Only.
People with ‘forwarding only accounts’ who click on the e-mail link in the myLSU Portal will be informed that they are forwarding their LSU e-mails to another address. You cannot turn off forwarding accounts, but you can change the forwarding address in myLSU Portal. To do so, please see instructions for updating your e-mail forwarding address.
LSUMail Accounts
Faculty and Staff at LSU A&M Baton Rouge campus, as a general rule, receive LSUMail accounts immediately upon starting employment with the University. Once Baton Rouge campus students have completed registration, they should be eligible for LSUMail within 2 business days. LSUMail is hosted by Microsoft and has the Outlook look and feel.
You may check if you are eligible for LSUMail by logging into myLSU, select Personal Preferences at the left, then click LSU Email. You may also check via the button below:

- If you are eligible, you will see a message that says "Login to LSUMail to change forwarding address." Please see the following article to log into LSUMail: LSUMail: Quick Start Guide
- If you are not yet eligible, this area will let you add and update your personal email address, where your LSU emails will be sent if you do not currently meet the eligibility criteria for LSUMail. Please see the "Forwarding-Only" section above.
For more information about LSUMail, please see the LSUMail: Overview.
LSUMail Server Settings
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Port: 587
Encryption Method: STARTLS
Authentication: OAuth2