With Design Services closing, how will I get design work done?
Contact the Division of Strategic Communications (DSC, or previously CUR) by sending an email to approvals@lsu.edu. Provide the information listed at this link, https://www.lsu.edu/communications/brand-management-creative/index.php, in your request and DSC will evaluate your information and respond within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) with next steps. The work will be completed either by DSC or by a contracted design services vendor. DSC will provide consultation on available resources and the best way to proceed.
Design Services and Printing Services archived my files; who will keep my files backed-up now?
Beginning June 30, 2011, the Design Services archive servers will be housed at DSC. The process for requesting your files is to provide your project name or job number via email to archive@lsu.edu. You will receive your files within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).
If you initiate a new project that is outsourced using a professional services contract managed by DSC, DSC will keep a copy of your files on the servers to be located in their office.
If you design and produce a project yourself, you will continue to be responsible for archiving your files as you have in the past.
Do I need approval from the Office of Communications & University Relations before getting design assistance?
Yes. Getting approval from DSC is your first step to allow you to proceed with your project. You can submit your concept design to DSC by requesting specific services listed on this page: https://itservice.lsu.edu/TDClient/51/OCUR/Requests/ServiceCatalog.
Are there resources for design services remaining on campus?
There are limited resources for design services on campus and all options require planning and foresight on your part in order to obtain services in a timely manner through DSC.
DSC will accept reputation defining work that is significant to LSU and/or closely related to projects currently in-house. In the event DSC is unable to do the work on your project, DSC will assist you in obtaining the appropriate design help for your project.
Is there a state graphic design resource or contract available?
No state design firms are available. DSC will negotiate a campus contract with multiple design services vendors who will assist in providing design services for you.
Can I contract for design services through the Office of Purchasing?
DSC will manage design services for the University. If DSC determines that a design services vendor will be used, DSC will contact you upon review of your projects. The steps are as follows: 1) Send your project to approvals@lsu.edu for review by DSC; 2) Once approval is granted, and if DSC recommends that a design services vendor is to be used, DSC will instruct you to release a requisition to Purchasing as a “PSR” type; DSC will attach its approval and specifications/quote, as well as any forms you are required to complete (see Purchasing’s website for more information); 3) Purchasing will issue a Purchase Order to the vendor and work will be completed; 4) Submit final, completed design to DSC for approval.
Can I expect the same turnaround on my project?
DSC’s goal is that all projects are initiated within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) following the request. Timelines for projects will vary based on the scope of work required and whether it is purchased from a design services vendor.
What will the approvals process be for design?
DSC will determine if it will handle the project internally or if it will be sent to a design services vendor within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of your submitting your email request to approvals@lsu.edu for review and approval. All materials produced for LSU must comply with LSU’s Visual Identity Program guidelines (Brand and Logo).
Will the purchase of design services have dollar limits like there are when ordering printing?
Design services are governed by Louisiana laws for Professional Services and therefore require a professional services contract; however, DSC will manage these contracts for the University and instruct you when to use them.
How much extra will a rush charge incur?
Rush charges may be incurred and will vary depending on the design services vendor. Accurate timelines must be included in the specifications provided to DSC when requesting services.
How will design fees be charged, and will the hourly rate change? I need this for budgeting purposes.
If a design services vendor is used, fees are typically charged hourly. However, it is possible to request a flat rate depending on the project. This should be clearly communicated to DSC when requesting approval of the project.
How many design comps will I receive?
Typically, you will receive anywhere from one to three design concepts to choose from at the first proof stage of a project. The exact number is determined by the information you provide to DSC. You will receive a first, second, and final proof to review, edit and approve the work.
If a vendor is used, will the vendor have Easy Streets access?
Access to Easy Streets is the responsibility of the vendor and is coordinated through the LSU Office of Parking, Traffic & Transportation. All vendors contracting with LSU are informed of the need to contact the LSU Office of Parking, Traffic & Transportation.
Will I own the design files?
Yes, LSU maintains ownership of its files.
I can pay for printing with a P-Card; can I pay for design with a P-Card?
No. Design services must be processed using a purchase order. Note that all design and web contracts are reviewed by DSC for approval. You can save time by sending your project information to approvals@lsu.edu for consideration before contacting Purchasing.
How do I get my design printed since Design Services would send specifications and coordinate with area printers?
Your design services vendor will assist you in providing specifications about the project they’ve developed for you so that you can purchase printing services. For information on purchasing requirements for printing, contact the appropriate department's Marketing Strategist here: https://www.lsu.edu/communications/about/index.php
How will Design Services files be updated?
Prior to June 30, 2011, once you obtain your files from Design Services, you can provide them to DSC and it or a design services vendor will be able to update the files. Please be aware that it is possible that you will be unable to open the files that are provided to you. The files are created in professional design software that is standard industry-wide, and will be editable and viewable only by a computer with that software loaded.
Be sure to pass along all files you are provided to DSC. If DSC, or the design services vendor, if one is used, does not receive everything, elements of the project may have to be recreated and you will have to pay additional charges for this service.
After June 30, 2011, please email approvals@lsu.edu to initiate a project. Include the necessary information to de-archive your files with your request and DSC will provide the files to the designer assigned to the project.
Can a print vendor handle the design portion of my job?
A printing services vendor can handle design services upon the approval of DSC. Printing services inclusive of design services must be obtained via a fax quotation or sealed bid when the total expended amount is greater than $5,000 in accordance with University and State Purchasing rules & regulations. It is acceptable to include design services in a project for printing services, but the competitive amount will be determined by the full amount of the project, including design services, delivery and fulfillment.
Who do I call for advice on how to set up a file properly? Will I be charged a fee by a vendor for tech support by phone?
Technical services are considered Consulting Services and require a contract if the amount exceeds $2,000. There will likely be a fee for providing pre-press work for your files, but sometimes this is a worthwhile expenditure to ensure your project prints correctly.
If your budget does not allow for this fee, you may find a print vendor willing to walk you through the steps for setting up a file for print.