WordPress: How Do I Add Content?

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.


Creating Pages: 

1. From your dashboard, find the sidebar option called Pages and click on Add. A new page will appear.

Wordpress add page button

New page in wordpress

2. On the left-hand side of the screen, there are multiple options to edit your new page.

New page options

3. Set your desired options in the following categories

  • Tags: Under the Tags options, type in the related tags that you wish to attach to the page you're creating.

    add tags option
  • Featured Image: Under the Featured Image options, click the Set Featured Image button to select and upload the desired image. 

    Featured image settings
  • Page Options: Under the Page Options settings, you can toggle the Top level page options, view or search through other pre-existing pages on your site, set the page template from the dropdown menu, and choose the page order.

    page options
  • Sharing: Under the Sharing options, you can check or uncheck the Show Sharing Buttons and Show Like Button options

    sharing options
  • More Options: Under the More Options settings, you can set the page Slug, enter and Excerpt from the page, set the posting location, and enable or disable pingbacks, comments, and trackbacks.

    more options settings


4. Fill in your desired content in the main text window, select the publish button, or choose a scheduled publish date.

Referenced from: WordPress

9/8/2023 1:37:47 PM