Multimedia Classrooms: Tier 2 Classroom Technology Upgrade Project

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

A project to upgrade Audio Visual (AV) technology in 30 classrooms in Tureaud Hall and 33 departmental classrooms throughout campus is complete as of August, 2023.

The following AV technology will be included in each room.

Podium PC: Each classroom will be equipped with a PC installed inside the podium (if equipped).

Auto-tracking camera: The camera will be mounted to face the instructor and the white/chalk board. The camera will follow the instructor and will be able to zoom in on the board to some extent.

  • Note: If teaching a remote audience, the document camera or PC should be used to display content vs. writing on the whiteboard. Although the auto-tracking camera can zoom, the camera will follow the instructor instead of staying focused on the whiteboard.
  • Note: The auto-tracking camera will lock on and follow one person at the front of the classroom. However, the camera does not automatically record or transmit images. You must initiate a Zoom or Teams call for the camera to transmit. Also, the camera does not automatically record content. Within Teams, Zoom, or Panopto you must select the record function.

In-Room Amplification: Selected classrooms will have a ceiling tile microphone, ceiling tile or suspended speakers, and an amplifier. The ceiling tile microphone will amplify the instructor’s voice for the onsite students and for the remote students. Lapel microphones will not be needed.

Touchscreen switching system: The rooms in Tureaud are equipped with Extron touchscreen or selection buttons. The departmental rooms will be equipped with Crestron touchscreens. Both systems allow the instructor to select what content the students see on the projection screen and allow the instructor to display podium PC, laptop, or document camera content. The switching system also allows the instructor to use a personal laptop. If connecting the laptop to the switching system, selecting the laptop option enables the laptop to inherit the room Audio-Visual (AV) system. This allows the laptop to start a Zoom meeting and use the room amplification system and auto-tracking camera.

Data Projector: Rooms will be equipped with data projectors and projection screens used to project instructor or student content. In some small rooms, LED monitors will take the place of data projectors.

Document Camera: A document camera can be used to display hand-written material or display an object to the projection screen by selecting the document camera option from the Extron or Crestron switching system.

Wireless Display: Instructors will have the option to allow students with laptops or mobile devices to display their content on the classroom projection screen.


For instructions on how to use the technology mentioned above, please see the following article: Multimedia Classrooms: Tier 2 Classroom Technology Instructions

The following classrooms are included in the upgrade project:


Building/Room #


Atkinson 107

Update Completed

BECN 1900

Update Completed

BECS 1321

Update Completed

BEC 1510

Update Completed

Coates 211

Update Completed

Cypress 1035

Update Completed

Design 201

Update Completed

Design 313

Update Completed

E.B. Doran 115

Update Completed

Foster 214

Update Completed

French House 135

Update Completed

French House 200

Update Completed

French House 218

Update Completed

Howe Russell 347

Update Completed

Human Ecology 247

Update Completed

Law School 108

Update Completed

Law School 212

Update Completed

Law School 214

Update Completed

Music & Dramatic Arts 215

Update Completed

Music & Dramatic Arts 249

Update Completed

Music & Dramatic Arts 301

Update Completed

Nicholson 262

Update Completed

Peabody 102

Update Completed

Peabody 214

Update Completed

Peabody 216

Update Completed

PFT 2113

Update Completed

PFT 2324

Update Completed

Renewable Natural Resources 142

Tier 2 AV equipment not available (room issue)

Renewable Natural Resources 230

Update Completed

RC2 105

Update Completed

RC2 169

Update Completed

Stubbs 210

Update Completed

Stubbs 234

Update Completed

Tureaud 100

Update Completed

Tureaud 101

Update Completed

Tureaud 102

Update Completed

Tureaud 103

Update Completed

Tureaud 105

Update Completed

Tureaud 108

Update Completed

Tureaud 109

Update Completed

Tureaud 112

Update Completed

Tureaud 116

Update Completed

Tureaud 117

Update Completed

Tureaud 119

Update Completed

Tureaud 120

Update Completed

Tureaud 124

Update Completed

Tureaud 125

Update Completed

Tureaud 127

Update Completed

Tureaud 129

Update Completed

Tureaud 200

Update Completed

Tureaud 201

Update Completed

Tureaud 203

Update Completed

Tureaud 204

Update Completed

Tureaud 206

Update Completed

Tureaud 210

Update Completed

Tureaud 211

Update Completed

Tureaud 215

Update Completed

Tureaud 218

Update Completed

Tureaud 220

Update Completed

Tureaud 221

Update Completed

Tureaud 225

Update Completed

Tureaud 226

Update Completed

Tureaud 228

Update Completed


9/6/2023 2:24:56 PM