General Information
LSU ITS is offering Wasabi Hot Cloud Reserved Capacity Storage: https://wasabi.com/rcs/
Wasabi is a pay-for-use cloud object storage provider. Although Wasabi offers a variety of products, LSU ITS is only offering the Reserve Capacity Storage (RCS) service. This cloud storage service is targeted towards those in need of archive and backup services for servers, or for researchers in need of archiving large data sets. Please note that Box and OneDrive are targeted towards individual storage needs and collaboration services vs. server backups and big data archiving services.
The Wasabi RCS service cannot be used for highly transactional data needs such as streaming. There are no ingress or egress fees associated with this service as long as you remain within your prepaid allocated storage size. Please contact ITS for more information about ingress/egress limitations prior to subscribing to Wasabi RCS storage services.
By purchasing this storage through ITS, you do not need to worry about establishing a contract with a vendor. You simply place an order with ITS for the amount of storage needed and provide a budget code. ITS will set up an account in Wasabi for you which will allow you to manage your own instance of the storage capacity you purchase. ITS does not charge additional fees for this service.
- There are no ingress or egress fees from Wasabi:
You can read and write data up to your allocated prepaid storage size, with a fair amount of flexibility. ITS can provide more details on ingress/egress flexibility. You are only charged for the capacity you purchase. The price is fixed at approximately $76/TB/year. A price quote will be provided to you prior to committing to this service.
- You must pay in advance and there are no refunds:
The annual renewal date for storage occurs in August of each year. Depending on when you subscribe to the service, your up-front cost will be prorated to align with the August renewal date. For example, if you join in June for 100 GB capacity, you will be charged for 2 months (June and July) immediately for 100 GB. Beginning in August, you will then be charged for 1 year for 100 GB to be paid in advance. If you decide to remove the service after payment, Wasabi will not issue a refund. You will also need to notify ITS that you no longer want the service.
- Capacity and storage terms:
Using the 100 GB example, you will be charged in advance for 100 GB for one year even if you do not use the 100 GB. If you surge over 100 GB at any time during the year of the service (again, the service start date begins in August of each year), Wasabi will allow this. You will not be charged for the additional storage you use as long as you go back to 100 GB (or less) within 30 days. Overage charges are calculated on the 1st of every month. If your data remains over 100 GB on the 1st of the following month, Wasabi will begin charging you each month for your overage at the contract rate (approximately 0.006/GB/month). If you remove the surged amount of storage prior to the 1st of the next month, you will no longer be charged for the additional amount. If at the time of the annual renewal in August you are over the 100 GB original capacity, you will be charged up front for the current capacity for the year. For example, if you added 10 GB of data prior to the annual renewal and kept that extra 10 GB for more than 30 days at the time of the renewal, you will be charged for 110 GB up front for one year beginning in August unless you move back to 100 GB.
- Trial:
Wasabi offers a free trial of their service which ITS will setup for you. The trial is for 1 TB for 30 days.
For more information, whether you want to learn more or to place an order with ITS for Wasabi storage, please visit ITS Service Portal: Storage or access the ITS Services website at https://itservice.lsu.edu and select Servers, Storage & Backups.
- Note: You must be logged in to the ITS Services website to see all services offered.
Eligibility Requirements
Available to: LSU A&M Faculty, Staff
Pre-Installation Notes
Review System Requirements & Getting Started
Support & Training
Wasabi: General Product FAQs
Wasabi: How-To Tips
Wasabi: Product Usage FAQs
Using Wasabi Explorer & How to Install
Referenced from: Wasabi.com