LSU Library: Digital Collections

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This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

To Access the LSU Library Digital Collections:

1. Visit the LSU Libraries home page. 

2. Select Libraries & Collections > Digital Collections from the top of the screen. 

Digital Collections link

3. This will bring you to the Digital Collections webpage.

Digital Collections webpage

4. From here you may peruse the digital collections in several different ways: 

By Topic: Allows the user to filter and view all collected works based on a particular topic (e.g.. Art, Film & MusicGeography & MapsWar & Conflict, etc.).

By Topic window


By Contributor: Allows the user to filter and view all collected works based on who contributed to the work (e.g. AgCenter or Museum of Art, etc.).

By Contributor window


By Format: Allows the user to filter and view all collected works based on article format (e.g. Art, Manuscript/Text, Newspaper, etc.).

By Format window


Search Collections: Allows users to search through all collections by field (Across All Fields, Creator, Title, Subject, Description, Notes, Contributors, Dates) based on All Terms, Any Term, or the Exact Phrase given in the character box. 

Search Collections option


Referenced from:

9/25/2023 2:32:49 PM