If you are using a mobile device to access the myLSU portal, you may need to rotate your phone to landscape mode to access the menu.

Comparison of Changes
Section 1
The section labeled "1" contains the Quick Links such as Workday, Moodle, E-mail, IT Service Portal, and Watermark.
Previous location:
At the top left of the page, each button listed vertically.
New location:
In the middle of the page at the top left area. These links are now contained within a widget that displays a "Quick Links" header at the top. (Note: some links may move to the Section 4 sidebar instead; please see the Closer Look section for details.)
Section 2
The section labeled "2" contains uncategorized links such as GROK, LSU Faculty 360, and myLSU Online Portal.
Previous location:
Underneath Section 1 buttons at the left side of the page, just above the Search field.
New location:
No longer available as its own section, it will be categorized into the new navigation menus within the left sidebar.
Section 3
The section labeled "3" contains the Search field.
Previous location:
Underneath Section 2 links at the left side of the page, just above the Section 4 dropdown menus.
A second Search field was also available at the top of the page at the center of the myLSU header.
New location:
The Search field is now located at the top of the left sidebar, underneath the myLSU logo in the top left corner.
The Search field is also still available at the top of the page in the middle of the myLSU header.
Section 4
The section labeled "4" contains dropdown menus with links to numerous other services. Main menus include Personal Preferences, Directory Information, Employee Resources, Registration Services, and Student Services, among others.
Previous location:
Underneath the Section 3 Search field at the left side of the page, menu items listed vertically.
New location:
No longer available as a sub-section, it will be categorized into the new navigation menus within the left sidebar. This is the main content that comprises the entire left of the page.
Section 5
The section labeled "5" contains the rotating ads submitted by the LSU community. Examples include Library events, calls for student hiring, Union events, general announcements, and much more.
Previous location:
Prominently displayed in a large section at the center of the page underneath the myLSU header, portal tab sections, and a few links.
New location:
Located to the right of the new Section 1 Quick Links box, noticeably smaller in size.
Closer Look

The image above illustrates where several links from the old myLSU Portal will migrate within the new sidebar.
The old links highlighted as Section 1, including IT Service Portal, Workday, Moodle, Email, Watermark, and Geaux Grants, will move to the Quick Links widget at the left center of the page.
The old links highlighted as Section 2 include Tigerware, Calendar, IT Governance, Course Eval, LSU BPM, LSU Faculty 360, GROK, Workspace, and ITS Central. These links will move to certain dropdown menu sections in the new sidebar which include Campus Community, Computing Services, Instructional Support, and Student Services.
It is also possible to use the Search bar at the top of the sidebar (highlighted as Section 3) to search the link you are looking for.
Common Links that have moved
IT Service Portal: moved to Quick Links widget
Workday: moved to Quick Links widget
Moodle: moved to Quick Links widget
Email: moved to Quick Links widget
Tigerware: moved to Computing Services
Calendar: moved to Campus Community
Watermark: moved to Quick Links widget
Course Eval: moved to Student Services or Instructional Support in the sidebar (shows in either section)
Geaux Grants: moved to Quick Links widget
LSU BPM: moved to Computing Services
ITS Central: removed