Security at LSU: Finding Sensitive Data

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Security of Data Policy Statement

In accordance with PS-124 Data Management, it is essential that confidential and/or private data be protected. It is very important to understand that confidential and/or private data could exist on your computer hard drive. When there is a loss of data through a security breach, a social engineering attack, or a hardware failure, there is a potential for financial damage to the University and the individual responsible.

  • Data is classified as - "Any information residing on the University IT Infrastructure or held on any other IT Infrastructure on behalf of the University. This data includes files, documents, messages in any format, including e-mail messages and posts made on any Social Media site maintained by/for the University or its units. All University data created and/or maintained by a User is also subject to this Policy, even if the data is created and/or stored on the User’s own personal computer, smartphone, or other personal device."
  • Protected Information is classified as - "data that has been designated as private or confidential by law or by the University. Protected information includes, but is not limited to, employment records, medical records, student records, education records, personal financial records (or other personally identifiable information), research data, trade secrets, and classified government information. Protected information shall not include public records that by law must be made available to the general public. To the extent there is any uncertainty as to whether any data constitutes protected information, the data in question shall be treated as protected information until a determination is made by the University or proper legal authority."

Search For Sensitive Data

  • Identity FinderAn enterprise software for use on institutional machines to find and report on Sensitive Data. Identity Finder is compatible with Windows, Linux, & Mac. Identify Finder scans can be scheduled to repeat automatically, report logs and results to a central console, and can be used to shred or redact sensitive data from servers. TSPs interested in using Identity Finder on their servers should contact the ITS Security and Policy Office. 

Additional Support

For more information, contact the IT Security and Policy Office by e-mail:

Contact the LSU Service Desk.

View University Policies.

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