Community Moodle: LSU Overview

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
GROK Overview Banner

General Information

LSU Community Moodle provides a location for hosting non-academic learning environments for LSU associates. Community Moodle courses might include non-credit classes, courses for clubs or organizations, and online training courses.

Community Moodle courses are located at

Request a Course

To request a Community Moodle course, users need only send all relevant information (course name, reason for request, who will be the primary instructor) to the Faculty Technology Center (

Enrolling Users to a Course

A user must have a myLSU account to gain access to Community Moodle. If you would like to add someone who is not affiliated with LSU to a Community Moodle course, you will need to request a guest account. For more information, please visit GROK Article 7057

Enrolling Participants in Your Course via the Users list

Enrolling Participants in Your Course via Self-Enrollment

Enrolling Participants in Your Course via User bulk enrollment


Training and Support

   Visit to register for a hands-on workshop provided by the Faculty Technology Center.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Faculty Technology Center at (225) 578-3375, option 2 or email


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