Multimedia Classrooms: Lapel Microphones
All Registrar-scheduled multimedia classrooms are now equipped with lapel microphones (traditionally, only large classrooms were equipped with lapel or podium microphones for instructors). Please note that this is a temporary solution until a more permanent solution is available campus wide.
IMPORTANT: In most classrooms the microphones will be locked in the podium drawers. You will need to obtain a podium key from the Multimedia Classroom (MMC) team by visiting Himes Hall room 121. A single podium key opens all podium drawers in the Registrar-scheduled classrooms.
- NOTE: If you are teaching in PFT classrooms, please contact David Trammell in the College of Engineering at or on Teams at dtramm1 for assistance.
To Use the Lapel Microphones:
(please also refer to the picture below)
- The podium PC must be on. You do not have to be logged in to the PC to use the lapel mic.
- Turn on the mic by pressing the button on the top of the bodypack where the lapel mic connects to the bodypack. You should see an orange LED light indicating the bodypack is on.
- Begin speaking. If you do not hear your voice, try moving the lapel mic closer to your mouth. If you still do not hear anything and the bodypack LED light is on, please contact the Multimedia Classroom (MMC) support team by either picking up the support phone in the classroom (if equipped) or calling 225-578-7622. Otherwise, spare batteries are in the drawer, and you may want to try replacing the batteries.
- If you are hosting a Zoom or Teams meeting, you must select the Samson mic from the Audio settings tab in either application. Otherwise, Zoom or Teams may default to the built-in microphone on the document camera.
- When finished, please turn the bodypack off. Otherwise, the batteries will drain.
Tips and Tricks:
- Avoid standing directly in front of the room speakers to avoid feedback (high pitched squeaking from the speakers).
- Avoid speaking directly at the whiteboard while writing or drawing to avoid feedback.

8/22/2024 11:02:21 AM