General Information
As part of a Student Tech Fee initiative, the University installed several phone charging stations around campus — two in LSU Library and one in the third floor Union computer lab. Since then, more charging stations have been added to various locations around campus.
Cell Phone Charging Stations are available to LSU Faculty, Staff & Students.
Use a Charging Station
1. Locate the charging adapter that works with your mobile device or cell phone.
2. Plug the charger into your device.
3. Disconnect & Reconnect your device at any time.
Charging Stations Locations
1. In the Patrick F. Taylor Computer Lab.
2. In the LSU Bookstore.
3. In the Student Union Oak Lounge located on the 1st Floor.
4. In the Design Building by CC's Coffee.

5. In the Student Union Computer Lab located on the 3rd Floor.
6. In the LSU Library Computer Lab, located on your left as you walk into the library. In the Front of the Lab.
7. In the LSU Library Computer Lab, located on your left as you walk into the library. In the Middle of the Lab. (Past the Service Desk & Circulation Desk.)

Need More Help?
ITS Service Desk
225-578-3375 (578-DESK)
*** Emergencies & Outages can still be reported 24/7. When the ITS Service Desk is closed, your call will be forwarded to the Network Operations Center (N.O.C.).
Fred Frey - Computing Services Center: (On the corner of S. Stadium & Tower Drive)
Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Information Commons Hours: (The I.C. is located in 141 LSU Library) under section "ITS Service Desk"
LSU Libraries Hours: (Includes LSU Library, Special Collections - Hill, Education Resources, Government Documents, Interlibrary Loan, Music Resources & Research Service Desk)
*** The LSU Libraries are Closed on ALL of the HOME Football Games.